October 4, 2022 STU

Today: Spring Break & May Immersion Applications OPEN NOW

Our immersion program invites and challenges participants to enter into solidarity with the people, culture, history, and other realities of the region. Each Immersion focuses on several specific social justice issues. If you are interested in going on an immersion experience for the first time through Campus Ministry, please attend one of the following information sessions:

Oct. 5th @ 2pm in LSC
Oct. 11th @ 7pm in Jardine
Oct. 20th @ 8pm in Jardine

An information session is mandatory for students who have not attended an immersion before through Campus Ministry. If you have participated in a JCU immersion before, click here for the Participant Application! Applications are due October 23rd at 11:59 pm.

Over Spring Break, John Carroll will be traveling to North Carolina and to the US/Mexico Border. In May, JCU students will be returning to Spain for the Ignatian Pilgrimage, Appalachia, Honduras, and Ecuador.

There are several scholarships available. For more information visit our Immersion Website.

For any questions, please reach out to immersion@jcu.edu

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