October 11, 2022 STU

Meet Your Major Event!

Attention students! This is a MAJOR announcement!
Are you not 100% certain about your choice of major? Do you have questions about a particular field of study?

Join us at the Meet Your Major event this week!

Wed, Oct 12, 2pm – 3:30pm

Locations Below – all in the Student Center:

Biology/Chemistry – Murphy Room
Psychology, Engineering Physics/Physics, Computer Science, Data Science, Math – O’Dea Room
Sports Studies/Exercise Science, Pre-Health/Nursing – Murphy Commons
Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures, Communication, Education, English, Gender Studies Women’s Studies, History, Peace Justice & Human Rights, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology & Religious Studies – Jardine Room
Business Majors (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, International Business with Language & Culture, Marketing, Management & Human Resources, & Supply Chain Management) – LSC Conference Room
Spend your time in one room or visit multiple rooms. All tables staffed by faculty from those areas.

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