November 8, 2022 ALL

Today: PreMed/PreDental/Pre-PA

Are you thinking about applying to a health professional school like medical school, dental school, or a physician assistant program in the future?
Many health professional programs are now requiring students to take situational judgment tests (SJTs) as part of the application process. SJTs give health professions school admissions committees another way to evaluate applicants by asking them to respond to ethical situations. The two most common SJTs are CASPer (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) and PREview which is designed specifically for medical school applicants. If you are thinking about applying to a health professional program in the future, you should attend this free SJT workshop to help prepare you for this test. Dr. Emil Chuck, the Director of Advising Services for the Health Professional Student Association (HPSA), will be at JCU on November 9, 6:00-7:15pm to host this workshop. He is requesting that students pre-register for this workshop to make sure we have enough space and materials to accommodate all interested students.
Register here by 5pm on November 5th:
Questions? Reach out to Dr. Kathy Lee at

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