January 23, 2023 STU

Last day to drop a class is TODAY!

Do you want to add/drop a class from your spring schedule?
The deadline is approaching quickly – Mon, Jan 23 to make any changes.

Here are the instructions on how to withdraw from a course:
Go to banner.jcu.edu/student
Sign in using your Campus Network ID
Select the Spring 2023 term from the drop-down menu (above student picture)
Click on the Registration and Planning Link on the left side menu
Click on Register for Classes
On the Find Classes tab, under summary, use the Action drop-down and select **Withdrawal – Web** (Note: If the **Withdrawal – Web** or Course Drop-Web options are not available, the course drop or withdrawal period is over and course drops or withdrawals are not permitted. Consult the Registration and Deadline Dates link below for course drop and withdrawal deadlines.)
Click the Submit button to finalize changes

Not sure what to do? Stop by the Academic Success Center in the Grasselli Library to chat with an Academic Success Advisor about your schedule or email academicsuccess@jcu.edu

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