April 19, 2023 ALL

Today: Holocaust Survivor Erika Taubner Gold and Her Story

Hillel presents guest speaker Erika Taubner Gold, who survived the Holocaust, who will come to share her story on April 20th, 2023, from 4-5 pm in the Donahue Auditorium.

Erika Taubner Gold, born in 1932 in Budapest, Hungary, describes her German governess; the Hungarian schools and its quota system for Jews; attending a Jewish school; how her parents listened to Radio Free Europe on shortwave radio; the German occupation of Hungary; how all Jews were forced to wear the yellow Star of David; how her father had to close his store and work in a nearby camp; having to move to a smaller apartment; how she and her mother worked for a few weeks making soldiers’ uniforms; how her mother got her father a false visa so he could avoid deportation; how on December 1, 1944, Nazis came to the factory where she and her mother were working and put everyone in trucks; escaping from the trucks with her mother and hiding with a former housekeeper until liberation; being liberated by Russians and reuniting with her father; and immigrating to the United States in 1950.