October 5, 2023 ALL

Today: Save your seat for the Breaking Bread interfaith luncheon series -Free and open to all students, staff, and faculty!

Reserve your seat at the opening event of the Breaking Bread Luncheon Series for Interfaith Engagement on October 6th at the Interfaith Atrium, LSC (where the Golden Rule mural is) between 12-1pm. Come and enjoy “The Taste of Knowledge” by having delicious lunch provided from local restaurants (appropriate for specified dietary rules) while getting to know your JCU community better and learning about different religious traditions by competing in a trivia. The event is free and open to all JCU students, staff and faculty. Walk-ins are welcome but registration is strongly encouraged to order the right amount of food for the participants.
Link to register: https://forms.gle/TmATYRohzywDu5Yc6

Each luncheon in the Breaking Bread series features a specific game/activity to foster curiosity about different religious traditions, increased understanding of their scriptures, educated approach to conflicting religious worldviews, and willingness to seek further engagement with people and communities of different faiths.
The upcoming Bread Bread luncheons for this academic year are scheduled on Nov 3rd, Feb 9th, and April 12th. Use the same registration link to save your seat in these events, too!
This event series is co-sponsored by the Tuohy Center for Interreligious Understanding, Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, and the Campus Ministry.

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