October 24, 2023 STU

Discover & Prepare for Your Career With These Spring Courses

We build our entrepreneurship courses so you can practice skills that will be valuable in any career path (whether you want to start a business or you want to work for someone else). More specifically, we help you (re)discover your purpose and build a career path that is meaningful to you. Here are some course offerings coming up this Spring:

ER1110 (1 cr CAPA)
Monday 9, 10, 11; Wednesday 9, 11, 5, 6; Friday 11

ER2201 – Creativity, Innovation & Idea Development
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-10:45, 11-12:15, and 2-3:15

ER2230 – Launching the Social Venture
Monday/Wednesday 3:30-4:45

ER4405 – Prison Entrepreneurship Program at Grafton Correctional Institution
Tuesdays 6:30-9:15pm

For information on our entrepreneurship program, contact Doan Winkel at dwinkel@jcu.edu