October 29, 2023 STU

Linkedin Will Get You Your Dream Job

You have a Linkedin profile, but you’re not sure how to use Linkedin to get your dream job. This is the most powerful networking and career planning tool at your disposal – learn powerful ways to use it tomorrow (10/30) at 10am in Dolan E116

I’ve used it to build companies & get killer jobs.
I’ve used it to help students get internships and jobs that are meaningful to them.

The problem is, you’re unsure how to set yourself apart in the noisy Linkedin landscape, and how to tap into its power to get you on the career path that’s right for you.

It’s not that hard, and I’ll show you how during the sessions below (they will all be similar sessions so you should only sign up for one).

RSVP here: https://forms.gle/2rVD8HZ4XkJyvGzj7

For further information, contact me (Doan) at dwinkel@jcu.edu