January 18, 2024 STU

Career Exploration Fair Volunteers Needed

On Thursday, February 1st, we will host our Annual Career Exploration Fair from 5 – 7 PM. We have over 100 employers and 300 students attend this fair and always need lots of help starting at 3 PM through the end of the fair. We ask that students sign up for 45-minute shifts to help with parking, employers unloading cars, directing employers and students to check in, and checking in students. During this time, students can get a sense of what the fair is about and may have opportunities to have informal networking conversations with employers. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AAAF2FA4F9C70-45922458-2024. Please contact Tainne Dallas (tdallas@jcu.edu) with any questions.

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