February 2, 2024 ALL

The Writing Center is OPEN!

Students: If you’ve received the assignment prompt for your first paper of the semester, then you are ready to go to the Writing Center! Remember, you do NOT need a complete draft to come in — we love helping students with brainstorming and gathering ideas. A brainstorming session with one of our consultants can make the writing process waaaaay less painful 🙂

Faculty: If you’ve assigned your first paper for the semester, tell your students about us! Email our Assistant Director, Meredith Steck (msteck@jcu.edu) if you would like a Powerpoint slide about the center to show your class. And remember that the Writing Center is here to support you, too 🙂 Email Meredith for locations and links for Time to Write, our faculty writing group.

Make an appointment: Come visit us in O’Malley 207 or sign up for an appointment (face-to-face, Zoom, or asynchronous written feedback) at https://jcu.mywconline.com/.