February 16, 2024 ALL

Suicide Prevention Training for Faculty, Staff, and Students

This training is called QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), an evidence-based training to help you have the knowledge and confidence to help someone in a crisis. It is designed for all community members to help keep someone safe while getting them to the appropriate professional care, similar to using CPR but for mental health. The more students, staff, and faculty trained in QPR on our campus, the safer our campus will be.
Please register at least 48 hours before the training you hope to attend. Each training will be capped at 15 participants. At the end of the training, you will be officially certified in QPR.

Trainings will be:
Monday, February 26th 4:00 pm
Tuesday, February 27th at 5:00 pm.
Friday, March 1st 1:00 pm
Tuesday, March 12th 5:00 pm
Friday, March 15th 1:00 pm
Tuesday, March 19th 5:00 pm
Wednesday, April 3rd 4:00 pm
Friday, April 5th 1:00 pm
Tuesday, April 9th 5:00 pm

Sign Up Here:
If you have questions or would like to request a training for your group of faculty, staff, or students, please email Amanda Groves at agroves@jcu.edu

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