April 11, 2024 ALL

Today: This Friday: Final Breaking Bread lunch of the year

This year’s final event of the Breaking Bread Luncheon Series for Interfaith Engagement is going to happen this Friday, April 12, 12pm-1pm at the Interfaith Atrium in the Student Center. Delicious halal and kosher food is served as always. The featured activity of this final Breaking Bread luncheon will be completing a custom-made jigsaw puzzle as a team and answering the questions about the final image. Do not miss this chance of eating, playing, and learning together with your fellow JCU people -students, faculty, staff, and all!
RSVP is not required but strongly recommended. Check this link to see the previous events and to register: www.jcu.edu/breakingbread
Sponsored by the Tuohy Center for Interreligious Understanding, Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, and the Campus Ministry