May 5, 2024 STU

CFC Leader Applications 24-25

Want to start your own Carroll Faith Community (CFC)? CFCs are small faith-sharing groups, usually 5-12 members, that meet weekly to develop friendship and community by praying, sharing life experiences together, and supporting each other in our faith and daily lives.

Campus Ministry is seeking strong student leaders interested in coordinating their own faith community. Leading a CFC is a great way to learn and develop your leadership skills as our leaders develop a diverse set of skills in a faith-based setting:

Recruitment & Engagement: Learn to attract, retain, and engage members in a community.
Adaptability & Problem-Solving: Address challenges like fluctuating participation and maintain group cohesion.
Curriculum Development & Meeting Facilitation: Create relevant content and lead effective meetings.
Marketing & Public Speaking: Promote your group and enhance your communication skills.
Conflict Resolution: Manage disagreements and foster a safe and respectful environment.

Coordinating a CFC is an opportunity to grow in faith and leadership, contributing significantly to both your faith community and your leadership journey.

As a CFC Leader, you are committing to:
– Leading a weekly group
– Attending the leaders retreat
– Attending leader lunches when possible
– Providing resources for our CFC Newsletter on a rotation including all leaders

People of diverse faith backgrounds and commitments are welcome to apply!

It is not necessary to have been in a CFC in order to apply to be a leader.

New leaders:

Returning leaders:


If you have any questions, please contact Resident Minister Julianne McKee at