December 6, 2022 STU

Cleveland Clinic Summer 2023 Research Internship Information and Application

Hello Biology/CMB/ES majors! The JCU-CCF Summer Laboratory Research Fellowships are happening again in Summer 2023, and you should consider applying! These are 10-week, paid internships to do basic research in a lab at the Cleveland Clinic, often with the possibility of extending into the next academic year on a part-time basis. Applications are due 1/25/23. The details on the fellowship and application itself can be found at

Also attached to this email is information on other summer research opportunities that might appeal to all of our majors. Winter Break is a great time to dream about the summer, so don’t let these opportunities slip by unnoticed—many have due dates soon after we return from break.
Information and applications for the Cleveland Clinic Summer Research Internship program are now available at The application deadline is 11:59 pm, Weds. January 25th, 2023.