February 4, 2017 ALL
Open Forum on Diversity and Inclusion

The Student Union committee on Diversity and Inclusion would like to invite all members of the John Carroll community to an open forum. The discussion will revolve around your perspectives on issues surrounding diversity and inclusion on this campus. The open forums will be running every week until Easter Break excluding days that fall on holidays – get details here.

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February 3, 2017 FAC/STAFF
Today: Staff Council Morning Social – This Friday!

Attention all staff: Join us for the February Staff Council Morning Social! Friday, February 3, at 8:30 a.m., Dean of Students Conference Room (2nd Floor, Student Center). No need to R.S.V.P., just come to build community with your colleagues!

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February 3, 2017 ALL
Today: “Narrating Italian Food & Wine with the Bishop Pilla Program Summer 2017”

Explore and study the food and wine specialities of Italy! Join the summer 2017 Bishop Pilla Program and travel to Italy May 17 to June 21. If you missed the meeting on Wednesday, come to another information meeting on Friday (tomorrow), February 3, at 5 p.m. in OC 112.

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February 3, 2017 ALL
Blessing of Throats/Saint Blaise

Today the Catholic church offers a blessing for healing ailments involving the throat. This blessing is offered through the intercession of Saint Blaise. We will have the Blessing at the 12:05 p.m. Mass on Friday, February 3.

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February 3, 2017 ALL
“Revisiting the ‘Church in the City’ initiatives with the Mayors of Three Northeast Ohio Cities”

Join us for this panel discussion moderated by Len Calabrese, former director of the Commission on Catholic Community Action on Thursday, February 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the LSC Conference Room. Mayors from University Heights, Susan Infeld; Warrensville Heights, Bradley Sellers; and South Euclid, Georgine Welo, will discuss the impact of regional sprawl and its continuing moral, social, economic, and environmental challenges.

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February 3, 2017 FAC/STAFF
CTL Lunch and Learn: Shooting, Uploading, and Editing Videos with Kaltura

Kaltura provides interactive multimedia tools for professors and students. Easily create, upload, clip, manage, publish, and deliver high-quality video to any device, live or on demand. Mike MacDonald of the Center for Digital Media will highlight some of the major possibilities of Kaltura, while Brent Brossmann will discuss how he has coordinated the use of Kaltura for assessment in all CO 125 classes. This Teaching Technology Lunch will take place on Wednesday, February 8, from 1-2 p.m. in Dolan A202/A203. R.S.V.P.s are due today-get more information here.

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February 2, 2017 ALL
Today: Miller Lecture in Classics: Performing Persian

Come hear Dr. Rebecca Futo Kennedy (associate professor of Classics and Women’s and Gender Studies at Denison University) discuss the interplay of ancient art and drama in her talk, “Performing Persian: Aeschylus and the Art of the Persian Empire.” The lecture will be held on Thursday, February 2, from 6 to 7 p.m. in AD 258.

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February 2, 2017 ALL
Today: 2017 John Carroll University Annual Career Fair

The 2017 John Carroll University Annual Career Fair will take place today, Thursday, February 2, in the Dolan Center for Science and Technology from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

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February 2, 2017 ALL
Student Union President Benjamin Goodman’s Address on Ignation Heritage Week

Hear your Student Union’s President’s Address on Ignation Heritage Week.

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February 2, 2017 ALL
“Narrating Italian Food & Wine with the Bishop Pilla Program Summer 2017”

Explore and study the food and wine specialities of Italy! Join the summer 2017 Bishop Pilla Program and travel to Italy May 17 to June 21. If you missed the meeting on Wednesday, come to another information meeting on Friday (tomorrow), February 3, at 5 p.m. in OC 112.

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