April 24, 2016 ALL
Appointment Updates for the End of the Semester

With the end of the semester approaching rapidly, the Writing Center consultants are prepared to assist students with writing assignments from any course, at any point in the process.

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April 23, 2016 ALL
Today: A Tour of Two Cleveland Catholic Churches: St. Stephen and St. Colman

Join us for a church tour of St. Stephen and St. Colman Churches of the Diocese of Cleveland by Tim Barrett, Architectural Historian, on Saturday, April 23 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

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April 23, 2016 ALL
Today: “A Tour of Two Cleveland Catholic Churches: St. Stephen and St. Colman”

Join us for a church tour by Tim Barrett, Architectural Historian on Saturday, April 23 of St. Stephen and St. Colman.

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April 22, 2016 ALL
Today: Panel on Higher Education and the Public Good

Please bring your lunch and join your colleagues for a panel, “Cultivating an Ethics of the Public Good in Higher Education,” this Friday, April 22.

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April 22, 2016 ALL
Today: Kappa Dog Night

The Eta Zeta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma invite you to their first ever Kappa Dog Night philanthropy event on Friday, April 22 from 5-8 p.m.

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April 22, 2016 ALL
Today: Jazz Band/Wind Ensemble Concert

This Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m. in the Marinello Theatre (2nd floor of the Lombardo Center) the JCU Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble will be performing a concert featuring a wide variety of repertoire.

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April 22, 2016 ALL
Luncheon Discussion about “Amoris Laetitia” – The Joy of Love

Please register here for a luncheon discussion of the recent apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis’, Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”).

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April 22, 2016 ALL
IM Gym Closure: VPAC Dance Marathon

Due to the VPAC Dance Marathon, the IM Gym will be closed on Friday, April 22 from 7-9 p.m.

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April 22, 2016 ALL
Pray for the People of Ecuador and Japan

We invite you to come to St. Francis Chapel on Friday to spend some time in prayer for the people of Ecuador and Japan, two countries that have recently experienced devastating earthquakes.

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April 21, 2016 ALL
Today: SHRM Final Speaker Recruitment: What You Need to Know

SHRM’s final speaker, Ryan Anderson, founding partner of Anderson | Biro, will be speaking on “What You Need to Know About Recruitment.”

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