At Saturday’s JCU Men’s Basketball game, bring your trading cards to enter into the parking pass raffle!
Continue reading this storyJoin with fellow students to learn skills for understanding and managing emotions, enhancing cognitive flexibility and reducing symptoms related to anxiety and depression. Counseling Center staff will guide the group through a day of learning and application of skills (not therapy but a day to learn from the experts).
Continue reading this storyFaculty/Staff Basketball this Friday at Noon in the IM Gym.
Continue reading this storyCome practice your French and Spanish skills with our International Exchange students from France and Spain at the next CGLC Conversation Tables taking place this coming Monday February 19 from 3 PM to 4 PM in OC 112.
Continue reading this storyAt Saturday’s JCU Men’s Basketball game, bring your trading cards to enter into the parking pass raffle!
Continue reading this storyPlease join us for a talk by Dr. Cameron Buckner (Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Houston)
Continue reading this storyThis training is called QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), an evidence-based training to help you have the knowledge and confidence to help someone in a crisis.
Continue reading this storyThe Peace, Justice, and Human Rights program will host a social on Feb. 21st from 2-3:30pm in the Murphy Room. The event is open to anyone currently involved in the PJHR program, or looking to get involved.
Continue reading this storyThe Professional Idea Exchange (PIE) meetups are intended as an opportunity for faculty to network with and support colleagues through the sharing of ideas about the profession.
Continue reading this storySign up to join us in Campus Ministry for a simple meal and discussion of Fr. James Martin’s “Learning to Pray” on Wednesdays during Lent!
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