March 19, 2012 STU
Study Abroad at the Beijing Center

Representatives from the Beijing Center will be at JCU on Monday, March 19, and Tuesday, March 20. Please stop by the LSC Atrium on Monday or Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and attend the meeting on Tuesday at 4 p.m. in AD 226.

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March 19, 2012 STU
Cleveland Pops: Tribute to John Williams

Our Kulas Grant for Fine Arts enables the Office of Student Activities to purchase 42 tickets for the 8 p.m. performance for the Cleveland Pops: Tribute to John Williams on Saturday, March 24, at Severance Hall.

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March 19, 2012 STU
Philosophy Meet Your Major Open House

Philosophy: It’s not just for core anymore! Come to the Otto van Neurath Philosophy & Political Science Conference Room (B-08) on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, from noon-4 p.m. to learn more about majoring in philosophy.

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March 16, 2012 STAFF/STU
POTW: Welcome Home

We always get excited when we hear that a new student has found a home at JCU. One such student was so excited after her visit to campus that she submitted a quote and photo to us.

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