Looking for students to play the parts of Mary, Joseph, and angels for the Live Nativity that is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9 from 6-9 p.m. in Keller Commons.
Continue reading this storyTake a journey to Bethlehem on campus with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the angels.
Continue reading this storyThe Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion is seeking recommendations for the 2015-2016 Dr. Shirley S. Seaton Cultural Awareness Series.
Continue reading this storyThis one (1) credit-hour class is an exciting opportunity to find common ground with a group of people.
Continue reading this storyThe Christmas Carroll Eve Mass will be Saturday, December 13 at 9 p.m. at Gesu Church.
Continue reading this storyJCU’s chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America will be selling coffee and bagels on Wednesday, December 10 in the Dolan Atrium from 7:30-10 a.m.
Continue reading this storyThe Johnson Natatorium will be closed on Tuesday, December 9 from 6-9 p.m. due to swim and dive competitions.
Continue reading this storyWe invite you to join in this celebration of the holidays celebrated by people throughout the world.
Continue reading this storyItems for the Giving Trees placed around campus are due this Wednesday, December 10.
Continue reading this storyThis classic by Werner Sollors explores important questions about how and why Americans embrace birth-right identities (Italian, Irish, African, etc.) in a country that has characteristically embraced the ideal of the self-made man.
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