October 2, 2017 FAC/STAFF

Mission Monday

How do you live JCU’s mission?

Amita Frawley, Associate Director of Annual Giving in University Advancement, shares this reflection:

A fundamental component of Jesuit education is that it is accessible to all and does not exist to serve only the elite and privileged. As I reflect upon my role in University Advancement, I realize that while I am not teaching or working directly with students, I am ensuring that a John Carroll education is accessible for deserving students. My work, raising money from philanthropic alumni, helps support scholarships and in turn guarantees that more students will benefit from a Jesuit education. Our society needs more individuals who are equipped with the heart and knowledge to stand-up for the injustices in our world. I believe a Jesuit Catholic education at John Carroll seeks to do just that.

Consider sharing your 100-word reflection with the Mission & Advocacy Committee of Staff Council and look for it under the “Mission Monday” headline in Inside JCU. Contact Julie (jmyers@jcu.edu) with questions. Submit your own reflection here: http://bit.ly/2nUx9AO

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