January 16, 2020 ALL

Ignatian Heritage Week January 26 – 31, 2020

The Office of Mission and Identity invites you to join the JCU community in celebrating Ignatian Heritage Week, January 26 – 31, 2020. We celebrate by “Imagining A More Just World”. Ignatian Heritage Week will begin with 9:00 PM Mass at the Church of the Gesu, followed by a dessert reception, Sunday, January 26th.

For the full schedule of events and registration links, visit our website: https://jcu.edu/about-us/administrative-offices/office-mission-identity/ignatian-heritage-week-schedule-and

To participate in events such as: “Space:Cultivating the Imagination”; Ignatian Heritage Exhibit Scavenger Hunt; Celebration of Service Awards Ceremony; “Imagining a more Just World in Music and Word”; Lunch and Lecture – Presenter Dr. Michael P. Murphy, Director, The Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Loyola University Chicago


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