April 12, 2021
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Working Parents and Guardians ERG: Coping, Thriving & Supporting: Parenting Children with Additional Needs During a Pandemic (or anytime)!

Parenting is the hardest job you’ll ever have, it’s 24/7, often thankless, and pushes you beyond your limits. For parents managing children with special needs, such as ADHD and ASD, the daily challenges of life are even greater. It can feel isolating and discouraging to navigate school and daily life.

You are invited to connect with fellow JCU employees on April 15th at 12:00 pm (EST) who are navigating the challenging landscape of parenting children with special needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Tom Frazier, Professor of Psychology at JCU and Chief Scientific Officer at Autism Speaks is skilled in Clinical Psychology, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Behavioral Medicine, and Development Disabilities. We will also be joined by Allison Frazier, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with over 10 years of experience providing school administration, summer camp administration, school consultation, parent training, and direct therapy. Mrs. Frazier’s experiences include directing the Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism (CCCA) Outreach Department and serving as a school administrator and behavior specialist at Julie Billiart (JB) School.

Dr. and Mrs. Frazier will offer insight into how the pandemic has affected parents and children and how we can best provide the support our children need.

On behalf of our ERG group, we share gratitude with Erica Kennedy, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs, for making this program happen.
We hope you will join us to share your words of wisdom, connect with your community and hear from experts in the field.

Time: Apr 15, 2021, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (the US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://johncarrolluniversity.zoom.us/j/97618562188
Meeting ID: 976 1856 2188

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