April 19, 2021 FAC/STAFF

Wanted: Input on Changes to Academic Program Review

Our normal Academic Program Review process was placed on hold while all academic departments completed program evaluations as part of the strategic planning process. The hold was extended because of the pandemic, but it is time to restart.

Before we do so, we will be making some changes to the process, and we want your input.

(The Information Guide at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yn9HT8Qm0wRQ2WRNeg8AFo8gSO2zGD0_/view?usp=sharing describes how the process is supposed to have worked in the past.)

We particularly want to know what aspects of the process should be kept because you felt they were important and/or valuable. We also would like to know what aspects of the process need improvement and are happy to take your suggestions as to how to make things better.

You can provide feedback by emailing rbruce@jcu.edu. If you prefer an anonymous option, you can also provide at https://johncarroll.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bdUCAvaJNcVJTMy

We plan to take your feedback for the next few weeks, vet possible changes with Deans and Chairs through the summer, and finalize and announce plans (including the schedule) at the beginning of fall 2021. The first programs to go through will be oriented in December 2021 with an aim of program review visits in Fall 2022. (For those who are curious, our next HLC reaffirmation is in 2024-2025.)