June 22, 2015 FAC/STAFF

Employee Recognition Program: Naming Contest

The Human Resources Department has been working with representatives from the University community to develop a campus-wide integrated employee recognition program. This program will enable employees to recognize colleagues in any department or division for exhibiting specific exceptional efforts, or “values” such as team work and collaboration, service to others, customer service excellence, inclusion and diversity, enhancing the student experience, and demonstrating initiative beyond the call of duty.

The anticipated launch date of the program will be October 1, 2015. There will be information sessions and trainings forthcoming in September.

We would like your help in identifying a “name” for the Employee Recognition Program. For example, one institution has the “YES” award, which stands for “Your Excellence Shows,” while another incorporates the university’s nickname (e.g., “JCU”).

Please submit your ideas via the button below by noon on Tuesday, June 23. If your “brand name” is selected, you will win a pizza party for your department! Good luck.

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